A really long time ago

 I think its been about 4 months since my last update, wow I really suck at this.. I can´t promise an update soon but I can try.. So whats been going on in my life for the past months..

Lets see...

September: I started looking for jobs and I got a temporary one.. That was going to last for about 2 months but atleast that was something.. It was going to start in October.. and I got it.. Happy thoughts

October.. I started to work.. 7.25 am to 3.10 pm every day. I met new friends and just had fun

November.. Work. Work Work.. Every day.. started to get a little bit sick of it but we had fun together

December.. End of work I thought.. But I continued until dec 20th. I got my forth tattoo and christmas was around the corner.. I celebrated christmas eve and day at daddys house and went back to mom´s on the 27th.. But first I went to the studio with Annelie .. Alot of fun

New years eve I spent with Louise and Jimmy and our friends at this ski place.. So much fun...

New year. new adventures.. 2011 is here

Some stuff for this year is planned

- Canada June 6th-July-3rd or 4th  
- See Bailey´s graduation
- Start at the gym..
- get my licence 

And baby Freja arrived in to the world.. Callum became a proud big brother


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